1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel
Summ er Drinks few slices of fresh lemon, three bottles of sweet Edinburgh ale, and fo ur bot tl es of iced ginger beer. Stir it well and ladle it out. Yarmouth ale or ;my sweet mild ale can be substitut ed for the Edinburgh. ~~ A pple Bloom Punch Place a lump of ice in the punch bO\vl, and pour over it a pint of swee t cider and a pint of white g rape juice. When very cold, add a pint of Apollinaris, and serve. P omegranate Punch Squ eeze the juice from four lemons and two oranges, and add t o it a cup of sugar. Mix with it a quart of wa ter and stand the mixture on ice, then put a lump of ice int o the punch bowl and pour over it the liquid. Stir in half a cup of grenadine or syrup of pomegranates, add t welve whole strawberries and a quart of carbonated water.
P ineapple P unch Squeeze the juice from three oranges and two lemons and mix with it a cup of raspberry syrup 23
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