1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel
Summer Drinks
milk to fill a glass . Put into the shaker, shake well, and strain into a t all glass .
C ider P unch Put into a large tumb le r a pi ece of lemon rind, a t easpoonful o f sug:n, a wineglass of sherry, a squeeze of lemon, and a wine gla ss of cider. Serve with grated nutmeg.
Claret P unch Put into a large tumbl er a tabl espoonfu l of icing su gar, a sli ce of lemon, two sli ces of o range, and fill up to half 11·ith shaved ice, then add claret t o the top of the gl ass . Put into shaker, and serve with any berries that arc in season floating on the top. Ale Sangaree Put a teaspoonful of icing sugar into a large tumbler, and dissolve it in a tablespoonful of water; add a small lump of ice, and fill up with ale. Dust with nutmeg, and serve . 27
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