1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

S111i1t11eT Dri11 ks

P i11eapple Frapp/ P eel a fr esh pinea pple, r emove the eyes and pound it in a m ort ar till all the jui ce is extract ed, then add a cupful of suga r and the jui ce of one l emon. Add a quart of boiling \\·a t er, stirring all the time. Cool, and fr eeze till nea rly a mush, but it must not pass t h e pou ring st age .

G re11adi11c T rapp( Mi x fo ur t ablespoonfuls of G r enadi ne \\·ith half a t easp oonful of lemon ju ice . Fill a t all glass three-qu art ers full of shaved ice, and pour over it the g r en adine and lemon juice, and se rYe.

S1 razl'uerry L clliOll Froth Tak e six strawberri es, keep out the larges t and cru sh the other s, strain and add t o it the juice of half a lem o n, t v;o t easpoonful s of suga r, and three- qu art ers of a cup of wate r. . Put in a cockt ail sh aker and shake ·well. Stram into a glass and stir in the ·well bea t en ·whit e of an egg. T op the drink ,,·ith the single st ra\Yberry. 29

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