1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

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Sy rup of C ojfce Boil a quart er of a pound of J :wa coffee in a pint of water for fift ee n minut es, then stnin it, and to the liqui d add a pound of sug:ir and boil till thick. If not suffic iently stro ng coffee berr ies c:m be boiled in the sy rup :md st r:1ined off before bottling.

Sy rup of Co:l'.ifip.i Infuse one pound of CO\\·slip heads in one a n~ a half pints of boiling \\·:it e r, :rnd k:lVe co,·crcd to r twenty-four h our s. Strain the nex t day, and boil the liquid ,,·irh a pound of whit e sugar until thi ck . Bot tle.

Sy rup of R ed Currants Make a syrup by di ssolving a quart er of a pound of sugar in half a p int of hot wa t er. Add to it one pint of fr esh red currant juice made from red currant s (b oiled and passed thro ugh a seive). Cook this in a doubl e pan for fifty minutes, stirring constantly. Bottle, and cork well. 37

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