1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

Sum mer Dri11ks

S_yrup of l i mes Pour four qu:nt s o f bo iling ,,·ater over two pounds of sift ed sug ar, sixpenrnn.vorth of essence of lemo n, and nin ep ennrYorth of citric acid . Mix well. Colour w ith saffron (t ied up in a bag), and bottle wh en cold. S_vru p of Orm1J; r·s Put into an earthen \\·arc jar the ri nd and juice of two lem on s and three oranges, and pour over them two and a h alf p in ts of bo il ing ,,·ater. Strain when cold, and di ssolve into it t\\'O pounds of fin e icing suga r. . Put on the fir e and h eat till all the sugar is dissolved, and when cold add the whi sk ed \\·hites of two eggs. Bottle.

Syrup of Orange Flower Water Dissolve two pounds of sugar in a pound of orange flower water. Do not boil it, but when all the sugar is dissolved, filter it, and bottle. 39

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