1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

Summer Drinks

Chilek Shi'tri'tbi Strawberry Shrub

Put about three pounds of crushed sug::i r in a stewpan with two pints of wat er ::ind t he \\·hi te of an egg, well beat en up. Put on the fi re ::i nd let it simmer till thick, r emoving ::i ny scum. When thick, remove it and add one and :i h alf pounds of fr esh strawberries well washed and with the stalks removed. Put the lid on :ind let it stand with the strawberries in it for two hours, then remove the strawberries, strain through muslin, and bottle.

Timur-Hindi Shurubi Tamarind Shrub

Put six ounces of tamarinds in an earthenware pan with two and a quarter pints of water. Boil it till it is reduced to one and a half p ints, t~en take '.it off the fir e, and strain through a sieve. Add to the strained liquor three pounds of powdered sugar; boil it for h alf a minute, and when nearly cold pass through muslin, and bottle. 46

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