1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

Summer Drinks

11eneksha Sht'tn'tbi V iolet Sherbet

Procure a pound of fr esh ga thered violet s, cut the stalks off, and put the pet:ds in a basi n. Pour two and a qu art er pin t s of boi ling \\'ater over them, cover it up at on ce and let them macerate for fift een hours. Then strain the li quo r, add about three pounds of white sugar, :rnd st ir it over the fir e till it nearly boils. Before it boils, remove it , let it remain covered till nearly cold, then strain it, and bottle.


Blackberry Vin ega r

A CREOLE RECIPE Put a quart of blackberri es into a deep jar, and pour over them a quart of " ·hite wine vinegar. Leave them for t wenty-four hours, then strain, and add another quart of berri es, putting the old ones on one side. Leave for another day and night, again strain, and the third time put back the las t lot of berries 47

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