1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel



HOT PUNCHES, MCLLS, FLIPS, NIGHT– CAPS Al'\D TODDIES " Punch " is d erived from a H indousta ni word which means "Five", so-c:illed because of its fi ve original ingredicnts-:iqua vit~, rose water, suga r, a rrack, and citron juice. The sp ecial ch aracte ristics of punch t o-day are that the suga r is alw:iys rubbed on the rinds of the lemon t o extract the oil, and spice is usually added for fl. avourino-. Another essent ial in mak– ing h ot punch is th~t the spirits are put in before the wat er ; in cold punch t he method is reversed . Punch sh ould be so compounded that no one ing redi ent predominates; they must all be thoroughly ama lgamated. Tea should b e used inst ead of water, and it should be served in a cryst al bowl with a ladle. " One of sour and three of sweet, F our of st rong and four of weak " 1s an old Creole recipe for making punch, the sr

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