1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

TV i11 fer Cordials

Jlf 11!!rd Ale (This was known as Funeral Ale)

Heat a pint of ale, and before it boi ls stir into it the yolks of thr ee e,rr,r:;s \\·hi ch h:n- e been pre– viou sly beaten up \Yith t\\·o t ablespoonfuls of sugar and a pin ch of gin ger :rnd nutmeg. Do not l et it act u:ill v boil, and pour it from jug to _iu g t o fr oth it l~cfo rc se rving .

Pur l Purl is very simil:ir to mull ed ale, but a glass of gin is added .

Ale Po.rset Put into a jug half a pint of sherry, ha_lf a p_int of Burton ale, and a quart of boi ling milk m ,vh1ch a 'tablespoonfu l of icino- suo-ar has been dissolved. tMix well and stra i~, a~d before serving add grated nutmeg. The Ox ford Grace Cup It has b een the custom from the earliest days at Oxford for the Grace Cup to be introduced at civic feasts before the removal of the cloth. 57

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