1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

Winter Cordials

Brazenose College, to introduce this into the refec tory after dinner on Shrove Tuesdays. RECIPE Sweet en three quarts of good ale with white sugar, and serve it in a bowl with six roasted apples Boating in it.

Gingered Egg Flip (Enough for eight people)

Take a ga llon of good mild ale, an ounce of powdered ginger, half a pound of fin ely powdered sugar candy, and eight eggs. Break the eggs into a large jug and beat them up with the ginger and sugar ; add gradually half a pint of cold beer, stirring all the time. Heat the remaining three and a half pints '.of beer, and just before it boils pour it quickly into the jug, whisking all the time. Add a few grains of vanilla or cinnamon for flavouring.

Caudle Beat up an egg till it fr oths, then add a glass of sherry and half a pint of hot gruel. Flavour with lemon peel, nutmeg and sugar. 59

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