1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

Summer Drinks


In the morning add to it one po und of 10 :1 f sugar, a bottle of sherry, and th ree p ints o f boiling water. Mix i.Yell, add t o it a p in t o f boiling milk, and strain it through a jell y h:1g till clear.

Sherry Le111ona cle Put two quarts of boiling i....-a t c-r int o :1 stC\q') :111 with four split dri ed fi gs, and let them l 1oil io r fifteen minutes; then throw int o the !':111 th e finely cut rind of a lemon, and add h :1 l f a pound of loaf sugar. Boil it all toge the r fo r another two minutes. When cold, strain it through a bag and add t o it a wineglass of sherry for each tum bl er of lemonade, and in each glass put a tablespoonful of crushed ice. Raspberry Le 111 onade Take a pint of raspb erri es, and keep on one side half a cupful of the largest and best. Crush the rest, pass them through a sieve, and add to it the juice of one lemon, half a cupful of sugar, and one quart of i.v:-i t e r, also some shaved ice. Mix well together, or put into a cocktail shaker and shake. 6

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