1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

Summer Drinks

Single Lemon and Orange Drin ks For these individual drinks a cocktail mi xe r should be used. All the following drinks can be made m larger quantities for parties. Lemon Squash Strain the juice of a lemon into a large tumbler, add two tablespoonfuls of icing sugar, :rnd fill up with soda water. Strain the juice of a lemon into a large tumb ler, and add to it one tablespoonful of o range syrup and one wineglass of sherry. Fill the glass up to three parts full with shaved ice. Put in a sh aker and shake well. Pour into the glass again and fill up with soda water, leaving room for a dash of port and a dash of strawberry syrup. Decorate with slices of lemon. American Lemonade Strain into a large tumbler the Jm ce of one lemon, add one and a half t ablespoonfuls of icing sugar and a wineglass full of cold wa t er. 8 World's Fair Lemonade (This is a delicious drink)

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