1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

lf/inter Cordials

Lemonade T aUlets Mi x well t ogether fo ur ounces of c:.l sto r sug:.lr , one ounce of t a rtari c acid, and on e dr:1 cl11 n oi essen ce of lemon . D amp it with p ur e spirit t o m :1kc it imo d ouo-h, then divid e it int o t\\-C l1 t)r p:ins :ind \\T:ip b . each on e in separat e pape r. S t ore it in :.ln :i 1r - tight tin. E ach portion 1s sufficient for on e g b ss of lemonade. L emon K ali Flavour half a pound of icing sug:i r wit l1 fo rt y drops of essen ce of lemon. 'vVhen dry, add a quart er of a pound of t :ntar ic acid and a quart er of a pound of bi carbo1u t e of soda . Stir all together, pass throuo-h a sieve, and ke ep in tightly corked bottles. 0 A damp spoon must not be insert ed. One large teaspoonful is enough for two-thirds of a glass of water. Sarsaparilla Boil a quarter of a pound of sa rsap:u il b ro a r well bruised, in two quarts of wa t e r until redu ced to half the quantity . Strain it, cool and bottle . Dose : One tablespoonful t o a gla ss of soda water. 82

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