1926 The Cocktail Book (new and revised edition 3rd imp)

Soda Cocktail, Use Large Glass.

'TTHREE or four lumps of ice; one tea- ^ spoonful fine sugar; three dashes An gostura bitters; one bottle plain soda, or lemon soda; one twist lemon peel. Stir well and serve while effervescent.

Star Cocktail, Use Mixing Glass.

'WO dashes gum syrup; three dashes orangebitters; one-half apple brandy; one-half Italian vermouth. Fill with ice, mix, strain into a cocktail glass, and add small twist of lemon peel. Tliorndike Cocktail; Use Mixing Glass. fiXJICE of quarter orange; one-third Italian vermouth; two-thirds dry gin. Fill with ice, shake well, and strain into a cocktail glass.




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