1926 The Cocktail Book (new and revised edition 3rd imp)

Mamie Taylor. Use Large Glass.

<^UICE of half lime; one portion Scotch ^ whiskey; one bottle ginger ale; one lump ice. Stir well and serve. Medford Rom Punch. Use Large Glass. ^?TTIREE -QUARTERS tablespoonful powdered sugar; two or three dashes lemon juice. Dissolve with a little water. Fill glass with fine shaved ice. One and a quarter wine glass Medford rum. Shake well, and ornament with fruit. Serve with straws. Milk Punch. Use Mixing Glass. 'TTHREE - QUARTERS tablespoonful sugar; one wine glass whiskey or brandy; one-half glass shaved ice. Fill glasswith good milk, shake, and strain into large glass. Grate a little nutmeg on top.


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