1927 Barflies and Cocktails

Canadian Cocktail. z dashes Angostura, z teaspoonfuls of Gomme Syrup, 1 glass of Canadian Club Whisky. Carrol Cocktail. 1/3 Italian V.ermouth, z/3 Brandy. Serve with pickled walnut in· cocktail glass. (This cocktail was well-known at the Plaza Hotel. New York, before Prohibition.) Casino Cocktail. In a wineglass put 1 lump of Sugar, soak it with Ab– sinthe, add 1 lump of Ice, fill . the glass with Champagne, add a dash of Brandy on top, and squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top. ... Cecil Pick-me-up. One yolk of Egg, 1 glass of Brandy, 1 teaspoonful of Castor Sugar. Shake well and strain into medium sized w ine glass and fill balance with Champagne. ( Recipe from Wm. Pollack, Cecil Bar, London, one of my apt pupils when at Ciro' s Bae-, London.) C. F. H. Cockta il. 1/ 6 Grenadine, 1/ 6 Swedish Punch, 1/ 6 Calvados, 1/ 6 L emon Juice, 1/J Gin. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass w ith a cherry. Champagne Cocktail. In a w ineglass put 1 lump of Sugar sarurated with An– gosrura Bitters, add 1 lump of Ice, fill the glass with Cham– pagne, squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top, stir, and serve.

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