1927 Barflies and Cocktails

Claret Lemonade.

U se large tumbler. Half fill with fi ne Ice, Juice of 1 L emon, 2 teaspoonfuls Gomme Syrup, 1 glass of Claret, and fill wirh syphon. Srir slowly. and serve with a srraw. Claridge Cocktail. 1/J French V ermou.rh. 1/J Gin, 1/ 6 Apricot Brandy, 1/ 6 Cointreau. Shake well and strain inro cocktail glass. (Recipe by L eon, Bartender, Claridge's Hotel, Champs-Ely– sees, Paris.) Clover Club Cocktail. 1 white of F resh Egg, Juice of small L ime (o r 1 / 4 Le– mon), 1 teaspoonful Raspberry Syrup, 1/J Gin, 1/ 6 lrali:in Vermourh. Nore. - In London for some rime ir has been rbe cusrom to serve G:enadine instead of Raspberry. Clover Leaf Cockta il. 1 whire of Egg. J uice of a small Lime (or 1/ 4 Lemon). 1 teaspoonful of Grenadine, 1 sprig of Fresh Mint, 1 /J Gin, 1/ 6 Vermouth lralian. Shake well, strain . and leave mint-leaf o n rop. Club Cocktail. 1/ 3 Icalian Vermouth, 1/J Gin, 2 dashes Orange Birrers. 1 teaspoonful Gomme Syrup. 1 / 6 Y ellow Chartreuse. (C. Mahoney' s R ecipe.) · Coffee Cocktail. 1 yolk of a F resh Egg, 1 teaspoonfu l of Sugar or Gomme Syrup, 1 /J Pore Wine. 1 / 6 Brandy, 1 dash Cura~ao. Shake well, strain into a small wineglass. and grate a little nutmeg on top. Note. - Tile name of chis drink is a misnomer, as coffee and bicrers are no t ro be found amo ng its ingredients, but ir looks like coffee when it bas been properly concocted. hence probably its name.


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