1927 Barflies and Cocktails

Green Room Cocktail. 2/ 3 French Vermouth, 1/3 Brandy, 2 dashes of Cura~ao. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. Grenadier Cocktail. I dash of Jamaica Ginger, r/3 Ginger Brandy, 2/3 Brandy, r teaspoonful of Gomme Syrup. Gunrd's Cocktail. 2 dashes Cura~ao, 2/3 Italian Vermouth, r/3 Gilbey's Gin. Shake well, and strain into cocktail glass. Hakam-lliccup Cocktail. 1 dash Orange Biners, 2 dashes Cura~ao, r/3 Gin, 2/ 3 Italian Vermouth. (Recipe from the Hakam-Hiccup Bar, Ecutboume.) Harry's Cocktail. 2/3 Gin, 1/J Italian Vermouth, 1 dash of Absinche, 2 sprigs of Fresh Mint. Shal

Harry's Pick-me-up. 1 teaspoonful of Grenadine Syrup,

1 glass of Brandy,

the juice of 1/ 2 a lemon. Shake well and strain into medium sized wine glass, and fill balance with Champagne.

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