1927 Barflies and Cocktails

Prudence Cocktail. 1 Egg, 1 Water glass of Gin, 1 ditto of Cream or Milk, 1 tablespoonful of Grenadine. Shake well with Ice. (Recipe ~y B . Lippincott.) Pousse Cafe. Can be made in a great many varieties by pouring the heaviest liqueurs in rotation in your Pousse Cafe glass, and different makes of liqueurs differ a lot in_ \veight: Follo\~ing are two of the best : Pousse Cafe No. 1. · 1/ 6 Syrup Framboise, 1/6 Creme de Violette, 1/ 6 Cura~ao (Orange), 1/ 6 Creme de Menthe (Verte) ; 1/ 6 Kiim– mel, 1/ 6 Brandy. . Pousse ·Cafe no. 2. 1/ 6 Anisette Syrup, 1/ 6 Cherry Brandy, 1/ 6 White Min e, 1/ 6 Yellow Chartreuse. 1/ 6 Green Chartreuse, 1/ 6 Grand Marnier. Great care should be taken so as to avoid the different liqueurs running togethei:. Pousse L'Amour. 1/ 3 Maraschino into small wineglass. Drop in l yol k of a Fresh Egg, 1/3 Creme Vanilla (Green), r/J Brandy. Proper attention must be paid that the yolk of the egg does not run into the liqueur. (R ecipe by Harry Johnson, N ew Orleans. ) I white of a Fresh Egg, 2 teaspoonful$ of G i;enadine, 1/ 6 Brandy, 1/J Gin. Shake well , and strain into cocktail glass. Pink Rose Cocktail. 1 white of a Fresh Egg, 1 teaspoonful Grenadine, r tea · sp oonful Lemon Juice, 1 teaspoonful Fresh Cream, 2 /3 Gin. . Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. - 56 - Pink Lady Cocktail.

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