1927 Barflies and Cocktails

Sil"cr Cocktnil.

1 whirc of Fresh Egg. 1 teaspoonful Orgear Syrup. 2 dashes of Maraschino. 1 dash of Orange Bitters, 1/J French Vermouth, 1/J Gordon Gin. (R ecipe from P~t O' Brien, Knickerbocker Hotel, Nccu York. )

Sil\'c r Str~u k Cocktail. 1/ 2 Bois Ktimmel, 1/ 2 Gordon's Gin . Shake well and strain into cocktail glass.

Sir Charles Punch.

In a large tumbler half filled with fine Ice, put 1 teaspoon– ful Castor Sugar, 1 w ine glass of Port Wine, 1/ 2 glass of Brandy, 1/ 2 glass of Cura~ao Fockink. Sti r well with a spoon, ornament rhe rop with Grap.cs, slices of Orange, Pine– apple, ere.. and serve w ith a straw. (Note. - Invented in honour of the U . S. A . Advertising Convention, July, 1924 , London and Paris. ) ~. Sir Wnlte r Cocktail. (Commonl y known as the " Swatter" Cocktail.) 1 teaspoonful of Grenadine. 1 teaspoo nful of Lemon Juice. 1/ 3 Brandy, 1/J Rum. Shake well and strain. Slocbe rry Cocktail. 1 dash Angosrura Bitters, 1 dash Ora nge Birrers, 1 glass Sloe G in. Shake well, and strain. Snowbnll CocktaiJ. 1/ 6 C reme de Violecre, 1/ 6 White Creme de Menrhe, 1/ 6 Anisette, 1/ 6 Fresh Cream, 1/J Gin. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. - 65 - 1 teaspoonful of Cura~ao.

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