1927 Barflies and Cocktails

Tantalus Cocktail. 1/J Forbidden Fruit Liqueur. 1/J Brandy, 1/J Lemo n Juice. ( Recipe Jach Bushby, Cecil Bar, Paris.) T exas Fizz. 1 teaspoonful of S ugar, Juice o f 1 /2 Orange, Juice of 1/ 2 L emon, 1 glass of Gin. Shake well and strain inco medium ·sized cumblcr and add syphon. - Third Degree Cocktail. 2/3 Plymoucb Gin, 1 /J French Vermou th. 4 dashes of Absinthe. Shake weH and strain into old-fashioned whisky glass.

Three Mile Limit Cockta il. 1 Teaspoonful of Gre nadine, 1 dash of Lemon Juice, 2/3 Brandy, 1 /J Bacardi Rum. Shake Well and strain inco cockcail glass. (Note. This cocktail was invented al Harry's New York Bar, Paris, by " Chips," Brighton, the popular Bartender. One of the effects of the Volstead Act, people get busy when outside of the three miles.) Thunde r Cocktail. 1 teaspoonful Gomme Syrup, 1 yolk of Egg. 1 glass of

Brand y, 1 sprinkle of Cayenne Pepper. Shake well and strain into cockrail glass. Tipperary Cockta il.

1/ 6 Orange Ju ice, 1/6 Grenadine. 1/J Noilly Prac French Vermou th, 1/ 3 Gordon's Gi n, 2 sprigs of Fresh Mine. Shake well and strain.

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