1927 Barflies and Cocktails

Tom and J erry (Ho t). Use Eggs according to qua ntity. Take bowls and break up your Eggs ve ry carefully without mixing tbe yolks witb tbe whites, but have tbe whites in a separate bowl. T ake an egg-beater and beat the whites of rhe eggs in such a manner that they become a stiff froth, then beat up the yolks until they are as thi n as water. Now mix all together, add– ing one teaspoonful of sugar for each Egg. until the mixrure gers rhe consistency of a light batter. It is necessary to stir up the m ixture every little w hile to prevent the Eggs separat– ing. U se tumbler and take two tablespoonfuls of the above mixture, r glass of Brandy, 1 glass of Jamaica Rum. Fill tumbler w ith ho t water, or milk for preference, and stir up well with a spoon, then pour the mixture from one glass to another until all the ingredients a re thoroughly mixed together. Grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. Note : A very popular beverage for Christmas or Binh– day Parries. Tom and J erry (Cold). This drin k is prepared on the same principle as the Hot Tom and Jerry with the exception of using cold water o r cold milk. Note : Very refreshing and cooling for summer. Tom Collins. I n a large tumbler put 2 or 3 lumps of Ice, 1 teaspoo nfu l of Sugar, the Juice of 1 Lemon . 1 glass of Old Tom Gin. Fill balance wirh syphon, stir well, and serve.

Trilby Cocktail.

2 dashes of Orange Bitters, r /J /J Scotch Whisky, 1 /J Italian

dashes of Absinthe,


Parfait d' Amour Liqueur, 1

V ermouth. Shake w ell and strain into cocktail glass. w ith cherry.

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