1927 Drinks of All Kinds



Imperial Drink. (Seealso fiage 119.)

To six quarts of boiling water add two ounces of cream of tartar, two lemons, peel and juice, a quarter of a pound of honey, and one pound and a half of icing sugar; let the whole come to the boil, and when cold strain ; a small quantity of ratafia may be added. Lemonade. (See also page 58.) Put into a large tumbler two tablespoonfuls of icing sugar and the juice of a large lemon, fill the glass three-quarters with shaved ice, the balance with water; shake well, and serve with a straw. Put into a large tumbler the juice of two lemons, the thinly-pared rind of one, two tablespoonfuls of icing sugar; half fill the glass with finely shaved ice, shake well, strain; fill up with soda-water, dash with orange bitters, place two thin slices of lemon on top. Serve with a straw. Put into a jug holding one pint the juice of two lemons, thinly pared rind of one, three tablespoonfuls of sifted sugar; stir well, fill up the jug with boiling water, let it stand until cold, then strain and serve. Lemonade. Another Way. Lemonade. Another Way.

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