1927 Drinks of All Kinds



Lemonade. Another Way.

Take a quarter of a pint of lemon-juice, two quarts of boiling water, and one pound of loaf sugar; mix well, and when cold it is ready for use.

Lemonade. Another Way.

Put a quart of water into a stewpan with two dried figs cut in two, let it boil for one hour; add the peel of a lemon, and half a lemon cut into slices, and boil these for a short time longer; pour the whole into a pan to cool, then strain, and sweeten with honey or icing sugar. Rub six lemons on half a pound of loaf sugar, then break the sugar up small and add two quarts of boiling water, the juice of six lemons, and two tablespoonfuls of orange-flower water ; let it remain till cold, then strain through a bag or sieve, and it is ready for use. Lemonade, Fermented. To two gallons of boiling water add one pound of loaf sugar and half a pint of lemqn juice; ferment with one ounce of ' Encore' yeast, let it stand twenty-four hogrs, and then bottle. Lemonade. Another Way.

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