1927 Drinks of All Kinds
Lemonade, Ginger. Boil twelve pounds and a half of loaf sugar for twenty minutes in ten gallons of water; clear it with the whites of six eggs. Bruise half a pound of common ginger, boil with the liquor, and then pour it on ten lemons peeled. When cold, put it in a cask with two table- spoonfuls of yeast, the lemons sliced, and half an ounce of isinglass. Bung up the cask the next day, and it will be ready in two weeks. Lemonade, Orange. Put into a large tumbler one tablespoonful of icing sugar, the juice of half a lemon, and two oranges; then nearly fill the glass with shaved ice and the balance with water; shake or stir well, ornament with berries, and serve with a straw. Lemonade, Seltzer. Put into a largetumbler the juice of one large lemon, two tablespoonfuls of icing sugar, some broken ice; fill up with syphon seltzers, stir with a spoon, and serve. Lemon Flip, Hot. Put into a small tumbler and beat up oneegg, with a tablespoonful of icing sugar, and fill up the tumbler with hot water; mix well, and flavour with essence of lemon.
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