1927 Drinks of All Kinds



Raspberry Vinegar. {See also f age 121.)

Take ripe, dry raspberries, and pour over sufficient good malt vinegar to coverĀ» let them stand for three qr fqur days, stirring pccasionr ally with a silver spoon. On the fourth day strain through a sieve, and let them drain for some hours ; measure the juice, and add equal quantities of good white sugar, put into a lined preserving pan and let it gently boil for six minutes. Carefully remove the scum as it rises. When cold, bottle, and cork well. To make an agreeable drink, add a wineglass to a tumbler of water, or soda-water. It will be found very useful as a cooling drink in illness.

Raspberry Vinegar Drink. {See also page 121.)

Put two tablespoonfuls of raspberry vinegar into a small tumbler, and fill up with cold water.

SUMMER DRINKS. {Seepage 114.)

WINTER DRINKS. The instructions given for the making of summer drinks may be closely followed, only substituting hot for cold water, and serving as hot as possible. A great favourite is made as follows:

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