1927 Drinks of All Kinds




Champagne (and Hock). These are made the same as Chablis Cup, sub stituting champagne or hock for chablis. Cider. Put intd a bowl one quart of sweet cider, one bottle of sodaL-waterj one wineglass of sherry, half a wineglass of brandy, the juice of half a lemon and the rind of a quarter; add sugar and nutmeg to taste, and a dash of extract of pineapple; a sprig of verbena and two sprigs of borage may be added. Strain and ice well. Claret. Put into a bowl one bottle of claret, half a pint of coldwater,a tablespoonful of icing sugar, and a teaspoonful of cloves, cinnamon, and allspice finely powdered and mixed together; add the rind of half a lemon, a sprig of balm, and a lump of ice. Put into a bowl the rind of one lemon pared very thin, add some icing sugar, and pour over it a wineglass of sherry; then add a bottle of claret, more sugar to taste, a sprig of ver- benaj one bottle of soda-water, and a grated nutmeg; then strain and ice it well. # Claret. Another Mixture.

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