1927 Drinks of All Kinds



Gin and Wormwood. Put three or four sprigs of wormwood into a quart decanter, and fill up with gin ; let it draw for a few days until the wormwood has soaked into the gin. Serve in a wineglass. Golden Slipper. Place the yolk of a fresh cold egg in half a wineglass of chartreuse (yellow) and half a wineglass of Danziger goldwasser in a spiral or fancy wineglass, in such a manner that the egg and liqueurs do not mix. {See L'Amour Pousse, another way, page 45.) Heap of Comfort. Put into a small tumbler the yolk of one egg, two-thirds of a wineglass of sherry, one-third of a wineglass of brandy, ten drops of cura9oa, and a teaspoonful of icing sugar; add shaved ice, shake well, and strain into a coloured glass; dust with nutmeg. Iced Coffee. Prepare some good Mocha coffee, and let it cool; then place it in a carafe and put it in a vessel surrounded with ice. Serve in a small tumbler.

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