1927 Drinks of All Kinds



John Collins. Put into a large tumbler the juice of one lemon, one tablespoonful of icing sugar, one wineglass of English gin, one tablespoonful of water, and fill two-thirds with shaved ice; shake well, and fill up with a bottle of soda- water whilst stirring. Insert two straws, and place two slices of lemon on top. Knickerbein. Break into a small tumbler theyolk ofone egg, one-third of a wineglass of cura9oa, one-third of a wineglass of maraschino, one-third of a wineglass of brandy; add shaved ice, shake well, and strain; whisk the white of egg to a stiff froth, and place it on the top, then dust with pink sugar, and insert straw. Knickerbocker. Put into a small tumbler the rind and juiceof one lemon, then add two teaspoonfuls of rasp berry syrup, one wineglass of Santa Cruz or white rum, and a teaspoonful of cura9oa; fill with shaved ice, and shake well. Add berries in season, and serve with two straws. L'Amour Pousse. Put intoa small tumbler halfa wineglassful of maraschino, with the yolk of an egg, and beat both well together; add a quarter-wineglass of brandy and shaved ice. Shake well, strain, and dash the top with vanilla syrup.

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