1927 Drinks of All Kinds



NECTARS. These should be drunk whilst effervescing. Cider.

Put into a large tumbler the juice ofa quarter of a lemon, a wineglassful of cider, halfa wine glass ofsherry, a quarter ofawineglass ofbrandy, and a tablespoonful of pineapple syrup; fill the ^mbler with shaved ice, shake well, and strain. 1hen add a split bottle of soda-water. Soda. Put intoa large tumbler thejuice ofpne lemon and a tablespoonful and a half of icing sugar; mix well, then fill the tumbler three-quarters full with cold iced water, stir in half a teaspoon- ful of carbonate of soda, and drink whilst effer vescing. This may be taken in the morning as an aperient.



(See also pages 89, 125 and 126.) Noggs are exceedingly nourishing and reviving. Cider Nogg. Put into a large tumbler one egg one and a half tablespoonfuls of icing sugar,'and fill up to three parts with shaved ice; fill up with cider, shake well, strain, and dust with nutmeg.

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