1927 Drinks of All Kinds



A la Romaine, or Roman. Put into a bowl the juice of one lemon, the juice of half an orange, and a tablespoonful of icing sugar; then add the white of an egg well beaten, and mix all well together. Add a wine- glassful of sherry, the like quantity of Jamaica rum, and a small lump of ice. A la Romaine, or Roman. Another Way. Make a quart of lemon water, ice, and when it has been frozen to a thick consistency add the following: Four whites of eggs whipped up very stiff, one glass of brandy, half a pint of champagne, and half a cup of green tea which has been infused previously. Continue freezing a little longer, when it is ready for use., To be served up in tall sorbet or champagne glasses. A la Romaine, or Roman. Another Way. Put into a tumbler a tablespoonful of icing sugar, a tablespoonful of raspberry syrup, a teaspoonful of cura9oa, one wineglass of Jamaica rum, half a wineglass of brandy, and the juice of half a lemon ; fill up the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and strain. Dash with port wine, decorate with fruit3 in season, and serve with a straw.

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