1927 Drinks of All Kinds



George IV. Put into a bowl the thinly pared rinds of one China orange, one lemon, and the rind of half a Seville orange, add a quarter of a pint of plain syrup, then add the juice of the fruit, and let the mixture stand for an hour. Make half a pint of strong green tea, sweeten to taste with sifted sugar, and when cold add to the fruit and syrup, with half a wineglass of Jamaica rum, half a wineglass of brandy, half a wineglass of arrack, the same quantity of pineapple syrup, and a bottle of champagne ; strain ; ice for two hours. Serve in small glasses. Gin. Put into a large tumbler one tablespoonful of raspberry syrup, one tablespoonful of icing sugar, one wineglass of water, one and a half wineglasses of gin, the juice of half a small lemon, two slices of orange, and one piece of pineapple. Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and ornament With berries in season; Serve with a straw.

Gin. Another Way.

Put into a large tumbler a tablespoonful of sifted sugar, the juice of one lemon, a wineglass and a half of gin, and twenty drops of mara schino ; add a bottle of soda-water. Ice for one hour.

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