1927 Drinks of All Kinds



Port Wine. /The same as Claret Punch, substituting port wine for claret Queen. Put into a tumbler the juice and rind of half a lemon, add half a wineglass of rum, one liqueur- glass of maraschino, halfa wineglass of brandy, and a tablespoonful of icing sugar; fill up the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and then strain. Rocky Mountain. Put intoa tumbler halfa wineglass ofJamaica rum and a quarter of a wineglass of maraschino, with some shaved ice; shake well, and fill up with champagne whilst stirring, then place on the top a slice of lemon. Rum. _Put into a large tumbler a tablespoonful of icing sugar, a wineglass of brandy, the like quantity of rum, two teaspoonfuls of arrack, the juice of a. lemon,

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