1927 Drinks of All Kinds



Whisky. _ Put into a small tumbler one teaspoonful of icing sugar, half a wineglass of water, and one wineglass of whisky (Irish or Scotch); fill the tumbler two-thirds with shaved ice, shake well, and ornament with two sprigs of mint (as in Mint Julep) and berries in season; serve with a straw.


Sours do not omit to put the lemon-peel

in the glass.

Apple Jack Sour. Put into a large tumbler, with half a table- spoonful of icing sugar, the juice of half a lemon, and dissolve the same with a squirt of seltzer-water from a syphon ; add one wifle- glass of old cider brandy. Nearly fill the glass with shaved ice, stir well, strain, ornament with a little fruit, and serve. Bourbon Sour. Put into a small tumbler one feaspoonful ot icing sugar, the juice and rind of a quarter ° wineglass of Bourbon whisky, and fill the tumbler two-thirds vvith shaved ice • shake well, and strain. '

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