1927 Drinks of All Kinds


PRAIRIE OYSTER. Put into a wineglass half a teaspoonful of vinegar; on this place carefully the yolk of an add a pinch of salt and a dust of pepper, and it is ready. Note.—Very few persons, not even the so-called American bar-tenders,* know the origin of this famous drink, therefore the knowledge may be interesting. Sproe years since three menwere encamped on Texas Prairie, 500 miles from the sea-coast, when one of them was sick unto death with fever, and was frantically crying out for oysters; he was quite sure that if he could only have an oyster or two he would be cured. After much thought as to how they were to procure what he wanted, one of them, having procured some prairie hens' eggs not far from the camp,broke one, and, putting the yolk into a glass, sprinkled it with a little salt and pepper, adding a little vinegar, and gave it to his sick companion, who declared it was just the thing he wanted, and from that hour he began to get better, and eventually got quite TURKEY OYSTER. Break a fresh turkey egg, and carefully put the yolk into a wineglass without the least -"..V v LUC ICdbL portion of the white, surround it with half a teaspoonful of vinegar, add a pinch of salt and a dust of pepper. This is a drink greatly in vogue with athletes.

(See also page X41.)

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