1927 Drinks of All Kinds



NOGGS. (See alsopages37, 61, 101, 125, and 1-2.(3). Egg Nogg,

Put into a large tumbler a tablespoonful of icing sugar and one egg; when well beaten to gether, add one tablespoonful of boiling water, one wineglass of brandy, and the like of Santa Cruz or white rum; fill up the tumbler with boiling milk, and mix well; dust with nutmeg. General Harrison Egg Nogg. Beat in a large tumbler one egg with one and a half teaspoonfuls of icing sugar ; then fill the tumbler with nearly hot cider, and mix well till quite smooth ; dust with cinnamon. Sherry Egg Nogg. Put into a large tumbler one tablespoonful of icing sugar and one egg; beat both well together, and then add two wineglasses of sherry ; nearly fill the tumbler with boiling milk, mix well, and dust with nutmeg.

PUNCHES. (See also page 63). American.

This is made the same as Arrack Punch, with the addition of half a pint of port wine made hot.

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