1928 Giggle Water by Charles S Warnock
no GIGGLE WATER tion, till fermentation has ceased, which is known by the settling of the froth; then turn it into a keg or bottles, and keep it in a cool place.
228. JUNIPER-BERRY WINE Take gallons of cold soft water, 7 pounds Malaga or Smyrna raisins, quarts juniper-berries, ounce red tartar, handful wormwood, J/2 handful sweet mar joram, I pint whiskey or more. Ferment for 10 or 12 days. 229. LEMON WINE 4 pounds sugar, i pound raisins (bruised), 2 gallons water. Boil, then add i gallon cider. Ferment, and add I quart of spirits, ounce white tartar, a few drops es sence of lemon. Observe to shake the essence, with a little of the spirit, imtil it becomes milky, before adding it to the wine.
230. MADEIRA WINE To 5 gallons prepared cider, add ounce tartaric acid, y^ pint spirits, y^ pound loaf sugar. Let it stand 10 days, draw it off carefully, fine it down, and again rack it into another cask.
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