1928 Giggle Water by Charles S Warnock



231. MALT WINE, OR ENGLISH SHERRY Take 12 pounds of good moist sugar, 2 gallons of water. Boil them together 2 hours, skimming carefully. When the scum is all removed, and the liquor looks clear, add Yt. ounce of hops, which should boil hour or 20 min utes. When the liquor is quite cold, add to it 5 quarts of strong beer in the height of working; cover up and let it work 48 hours; then skim and tun. If none remains for filling up, use new beer for that purpose. This method may be adopted with all boiled wines, and will be found to improve their strength and promote their keeping. In a fortnight or 3 weeks, when the head begins to sink, add 2Y pounds raisins (free from stalks), i ounce of sugar candy, i ounce of bitter almonds, Y of fh® I'ost brandy; brown paper, as in former articles. It may be bottled in one year; but if left 3 years in the wood, and then bottled, it will be found equal in strength and flavor to foreign wine. 232. TO MAKE ORANGE WINE Put 12 pounds of fine sugar and the whites of 8 eggs well beaten into 6 gallons of spring water; let it boil an hour, skimming it all the time. Take it off and when it is pretty cool, put in the juice and rind of fifty Seville oranges, and 6 spoonfuls of good ale yeast, and let it stand 2 days. Then put it into your vessel, with 2 quarts of Rhenish wine, and the juice of 12 lemons. You must let the juice of lemons and wine and 2 pounds of double

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