1928 Giggle Water by Charles S Warnock

GIGGLE WATER 27 of doves, 2 drops oil of dnnamon, ^ ounce of nutmegs, bruised, 5 ounces of orange peel, .1 ounce of bitter al monds, bruised, dram oil of lemon. Dissolve the oil in alcohol; color with cochineal and burnt sugar.

40. MARASQUIN DE GROSEILLES Take 8)4 pounds of gooseberries, quite ripe, i pound black cherry leaves. Bruise and ferment; distill and rec tify the spirits. To each pint of this spirit add as much distilled water, and i pound of sugar.

41. NECTAR Take 3 gallons of red ratafia, ounce of cassia-oil, and an equal quantity of the oil of caraway seeds. Dis solve in a little spirit of wine, and make up with orange wine so as to fill up the jug. Sweeten, if wanted, by add ing a small lump of sugar in the glass. 42. NOYAU Take 1^2 gallons of French brandy; i in 5, 6 ounces of the best French prunes, 2 ounces of celery, 3 ounces of the kernels of apricots, nectarines, and peaches, and i ounce of bitter almonds, all gently bruised, 2 penny weights of essence of lemon peel, pounds of loaf

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