1928 Giggle Water by Charles S Warnock





(Use large bar-glass) Take teaspoonfuls of fine white sugar 1 fresh egg 2 or 3 lumps of ice 2 wine-glasses of Sherry wine

Fill the glass with rich milk, shake up until the egg is thoroughly mixed with the other ingredients. Strain the mixture into a large goblet, excluding the ice, and grate a little nutmeg on top. 120. GENERAL HARRISON'S EGG NOGG (Use large bar-glass) Take lYz teaspoonfuls of sugar 1 fresh egg 2 or 3 small lumps of ice Fill the tumbler with cider, and shake well This is a delicious drink, and was very popular on the Mississippi River in old times. It is said to have been General Harrison's favorite beverage. (Use medium bar-glass) Take i teaspoonful of fine white sugar I small lump of ice 3 dashes of lemon juice I wine-glass of Bourbon or rye whiskey Fill up the glass with Seltzer or Apollinaris water, stir thoroughly and serve. 121. WHISKEY FIZZ

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