1928 Giggle Water by Charles S Warnock

74 GIGGLE WATER 155. HOT IRISH WHISKEY PUNCH (Use medium bar-glass) Take i wine-glass iCinahan's or Jamieson's Irish whiskey 2 wine-glasses of boiling water 2 lumps of loaf-sugar Dissolve the sugar well with one wine-glass of the water, then pour in the whiskey, add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass, rinse it in hot water. 156. HOT SCOTCH WHISKEY PUNCH (Use medium bar-glass) Take i wine-glass of Glenlivet or Islay whiskey 2 wine-glasses of boiling water Sugar to taste (about 2 lumps of loaf sugar) Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water, then poirr in the whiskey, add the balance of the water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a thin slice of lemon. Before using the glass rinse it in hot water.


(Use large bar-glass) Take i tablespoonful of powdered white sugar dis solved in a little water Juice of half a small lemon 13^ wine-glasses of Irish or Scotch whiskey

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