1928 Giggle Water by Charles S Warnock



7 quarts good cider (crab-apple cider is the best), I pint best fourth-proof brandy, i quart genuine cham pagne wine, I quart milk, ounce of bitartrate of po- tassa. Mix and let stand a short time; bottle while fer menting.

205. BRITISH CHAMPAGNE To every 5 pounds of rhubarb, when sliced and bruised, put i gallon of cold spring water. Let it stand 3 days, stirring 2 or 3 times every day; then press and strain it through a sieve, and to every gallon of liquor, put three and one-half pounds of loaf sugar. Stir it well, and when melted, barrel it. When it has done working, bung it up close, first suspending a muslin bag with isin glass from the bung into the barrel. To 8 gallons of liquor, put 2 ounces of isinglass. In 6 months bottle it and wire the bottles; let them stand up for the first month, then lay four or five down lengthways for a week, and if none burst, all may be laid down. Should a large quan tity be made, it must remain longer in the cask. It may be colored pink by putting in a quart of raspberry juice. It will keep for many years.

206. BURGUNDY CHAMPAGNE 14 potmds loaf sugar, 12 pounds brown sugar (pale), 10 gallons warm water, i ounce white tartar. Mix, and

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