1928 Giggle Water by Charles S Warnock



at a proper temperature add i pint yeast. Afterwards, add I gallon sweet cider, 2 or 3 bitter almonds (bruised), I quart pale spirit, ounce orris powder.

207. CHAMPAGNE CIDER One hogshead good pale vinous cider, 3 gallons proof spirit (pale), 14 pounds honey or sugar. Mix, and let them remain together in a temperate situation for one month; then add i quart orange-flower water, and fine it down with Yz gallon skimmed milk. This will be very pale; and a similar article, when bottled in champagne bottles, silvered and labelled, has been often sold to the ignorant for champagne. It opens very brisk, if managed properly. I lemon sliced, i tablespoon tartaric acid, i ounce of race-ginger, one and one-half pounds sugar, 2^ gallons of boiling water, poured on the above. When blood warm, add I gill of distillery yeast, or 2 gills of home-brewed. Let it stand in the stm through the day. When cold, in the evening, bottle, cork and wire it. In 2 days it is ready for use. 208. SHAM CHAMPAGNE


I gallon of good whiskey, pints of wild black cherries bruised so as to break the stones, 2 ounces of

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