1934 The bon Vivant's Companion (7th printing 1934) by Jerry Thomas




For a party of ten

Four bottles of champagne. Juice of four lemons. One pint of Jamaica rum. Four pineapples sliced. One pint of brandy. verized white sugar. Put the pineapple with one pound of sugar in a glass bowl, and let them stand until the sugar is well soaked in the pine apple, then add all the other ingredients, except the cham pagne. Let this mixture stand in ice for about an hour, then add the champagne. Place a large block of ice in the center of the bowl, and ornament it with loaf sugar, sliced orange, and other fruits in season. Serve in champagne glasses. Pineapple punch is sometimes made by adding sliced pineapple to brandy punch. Use large bar glass One and one-half table- Juice of one-half a lemon, spoonsful of orgeat syrup? and fill the tumbler with One and one-half wine shaved ice. glasses of brandy. Shake well, ornament with berries in season, and dash port wine on top. Place the straw as in a mint julep. ^ a decoction of which barley was formerly an important ingredient, but which is now prepared with an emulsion of almonds. 10 Sweeten to taste with pul- One gill of curaqao. ...18... ORGEAT PUNCH

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