1934 The bon Vivant's Companion (7th printing 1934) by Jerry Thomas


i Professor ferry Thomas Preparing a Blue Blazer at the old Metropolitan Who WaTJerry Thomas^ In his delightful introduction to Professor Thomas'famous volumi iof time-tried recipes, Herbert Asbury, author of "Barbary Coast", says: "Jerry Thomas was the greatest drink mixer of his age; his praises were sung by enlightened and Christian men from the Gulf of Mexico to the barren coast of Maine, from the Golden Gate to Broadway.It was Jerry Thomas—rise, please —who invented those celebrated cold weather beverages which have come down to us as the Blue Blazer and the Tojn and ferry. The day he was born his fond parents looked down at the wailing babe and dedicated him, to the Ministry. He grew up, however, to administer to the awakened palates of mil lions of his fellowmen.

There are still no drinks like the old drinks:, like those ferry Thomas showered upon a de- . lighted world many years ago, and you'll find more then 300 of them in this netv edition of


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