1934 The bon Vivant's Companion (7th printing 1934) by Jerry Thomas




Another recipe

To one gallon of water add twenty-eight pounds of loaf sugar; put both over the fire to simmer; when milk-warm add the whites of four or five eggs, well beaten; as these simmer with the syrup, skim it well; then pour it off, and flavor it with orange flower water or bitter almonds, which ever you prefer.



For a party of fifteen Take the juice of ten lemons and two sweet oranges, dissolve it in two pounds of powdered sugar, and add the thin rind of an orange; run this through a sieve, and stir in by degrees the whites of ten eggs, beaten into a froth. Put the bowl with the mixture into an ice pail, let it freeze a little, then stir briskly into it a bottle of wine and a bottle of rum.



Make an infusion of the best green tea, an ounce to a quart of boiling water; put before the fire a silver or other metal bowl, to become quite hot, and then put into it: One-half pint of good One-quarter pound of lump brandy. sugar. One-half pint of rum. The juice of a large lemon. Set these alight, and pour in the tea gradually, mixing it from time to time with a ladle; it will remain burning for 36

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