1934 The bon Vivant's Companion (7th printing 1934) by Jerry Thomas


a pint of water. Mix well,and let stand half an hour; strain, and ice it well.


A la Harold Littledale

One quart of cider. One glass of sherry. One bottle of soda water. One small glass of brandy. Juice of half a lemon, peel of quarter of a lemon; sugar and nutmeg to taste; a sprig of verbena. Flavor it to taste with extract of pineapple. Strain, and ice it all well. This is a de licious beverage,and only requires to be tasted to be appre ciated.

...I 33•••


A la Sir John Bayley A BOTTLE of Moselle, half a pint of sherry, the peel of a lemon, not too much,so as to have the flavor predominate; two tablespoonfuls of sugar; add a sprig of verbena; all must be well mixed,and then strained and iced.

•••134'** TOM AND J ERRY Use punch bowl for the mixture

Five pounds of sugar.

One and one-half teaspoon-

Twelve eggs. ful of ground cinnamon. One-half small glass of Ja- One-half teaspoonful ground maica rum. cloves. One-half teaspoonful ground allspice. 72

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