1929 Libro de Cocktail - The Cocktail Book by Juan A Lasa

CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL (Dry) Use a chilled glass Into a large cocktail glass, chilled, one block of

sugar moistened with Angustura Bitters. The twisted rind of a green lemon. chilled"" ^

Champagne well

CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL (Sweet) Use a chilled glass Into a lar^ cocktail glass a block of sugar 1 wo drops Angustura Bitters. One twisted rind of lemon. Pour slowly Sweet Champagne. CHAMPAGNE COCKTAIL (Sweet) Use a chilled glass Put into a chilled cocktail glass, one half of Uornino sugar block moistened with Cointreau. I wo drops of Angostura Bitters. A twisted rind of lemon. One sprig of mint. Pour slowly sweet Champagne chilled. moistened with Curacao.


DUBONETT COCKTAIL Use a chilled glass

One third part of Gordon Gin. Two thirds parts of Dubonett. Put all into a glass with two pieces of ice, stir (do not shake) strain and serve in chilled cocktail glass.


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