1929 The Bon Vivant's Companion or How to Mix Drinks by Jerry Thomas


Two ounces of strong am- One pound of fine black tea. monia. Two pounds of prunes. Dissolve the oil of cognac in the 95 per cent spirits; cork it tightly in a bottle and let it stand three days, frequently shaking it, then add the ammonia. Mash the prunes (breaking the kernels) and put them with the tea and the 70 per cent spirits into a stone jar of three gallons capacity; cover closely, and let it stand for eight days. Filter the liquor, and add it to the solution of oil and ammonia. Bottle for use. This quantity is sufficient for flavoring 100 gallons of brandy.

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One ounce of oil of lemon. One-half pint of water. One quart of alcohol(p5 per One and one-half ounces of cent). citric acid. Grind the citric acid to a powder in a porcelain mortar; dissolve it in the water. Then cut the oil of lemon in the alcohol, and add the acid water.



Five gallons of gum syrup. One ounce of oil oflemon. Four ounces of tartaric acid. One pint of alcohol. Cut the oil of lemon in the alcohol, add the tartaric acid, and mix thoroughly with the syrup.


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