1929 The Bon Vivant's Companion or How to Mix Drinks by Jerry Thomas




Fourteen pounds of loaf su- One gallon of water, gar. Boil together for five minutes,and add water to make up to two gallons. ...285... One ounce of ginger. One-half ounce of valerian. One ounce of cinnamon. Two quarts of alcohol. One ounce of orange peel. Macerate the ingredients in the alcohol in a close vessel for fourteen days, then filter through filtering paper. This is sometimes employed to give a flavor to milk punch, but it must be used with precaution. Ten drops are sufficient for a pint of punch. ...2 86.*■ TINCTURE OF CINNAMON Place two pounds of ground cinnamon in a jar with one gallon 95 per cent alcohol, closely covered. At the end of eight days strain the liquor clear; wash the sediment with one quart proof spirits; strain it; mix the two liquors to gether, and filter through blotting paper. AROMATIC TINCTURE

...2 8 7 • • • TINCTURE OF CLOVES

Take one pound of ground cloves; warm them over a fire until quite hot; put them quickly into a jar, pour on them one gallon 95 per cent alcohol, cover them airtight, and let them stand for ten days. Draw off into bottles and cork close. 150

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